What do ghosts and WitchToks have in common? 

Upcoming 2025
Part of Ashes to Ashes Programme
For Garage Rotterdam

Against the theories of disenchantment, which argued that with the gradual rise of modernity, religious and magical narratives will loose their relevance, the prevalence of esoteric meanings in the modern world seems to prove the exact opposite. Everybody is in their “healing era”, witches work as TikTok influencers, shamans lead corporate retreats, LSD became revealed as Silicon Vally’s drug of choice, psychedelic experience has been integrated into start-up model, the Kardashians stream live a séance, Polish TV star hosts a cleansing ritual to get rid of demonic entities before starting her show, while spiritual entrepreneurs are launching yet another new “biz”.

Was disenchantment just a myth? What is the role of non-secular narratives in the contemporary social landscape? Can we still define esotericism as “rejected knowledge”? To answer those questions during the lecture we will discuss the genealogies of what is now called “spirituality”, investigate how do people search for meaning beyond the understanding of reality which was proposed by modernity, analyse how magic is re-shaped by capitalism, explore whether esotericism is still counter-hegemonic and learn what ghosts and WitchToks have in common.